Controlled Blasting

We are recognized worldwide as industry leaders in controlled blasting, employing the latest in state-of-the-art technologies and techniques.  Our close-in blasting expertise as well as our commitment to safety, quality, productivity, and professionalism have made us the contractor of choice for a wide variety of blasting projects.  Contact us to find out how we'll leverage 60 years of experience with controlled blasting to make your next project a success.


Urban Blasting

We have over 60 years of experience with controlled blasting in urban areas for the construction of buildings and residential developments as well as the installation of utilities.  We routinely conduct blasting operations in close proximity to other buildings and utilies that must not be damaged.  All blasts are covered with blasting mats and monitored with seismographs.


Demolition Blasting

Our blasting crews have a wide range of experience with selective demolition.  We've successfully completed demolition blasting projects ranging from machine bases inside operating plants to smoke stacks, silos, towers, bridge piers, dock structures and entire high-rise structures in urban cores.


Underwater Blasting

We are the most experienced contractor on the west coast of Canada.  Our team has completed projects related to the construction of docks, bridges, ports and outfalls as well as a wide variety of underwater demolition projects.  We use computer designed blasts and install bubble curtains to minimize any damage to the environment and work closely with regulatory agencies to ensure compliance.


Explosive Metal Hardening

During the last 60 years we have developed innovative techniques for the explosive hardening of metals.  We can help improve wear characteristics and prolong the life of your metal components.  One application is manganese steel railway frogs.  We use our EDH system to increase their hardness from 155 to 300 Brinell.


Non-Explosive Rock Removal

We offer a wide range of non-explosive rock removal services for applications where explosives cannot be used.  Our crews are experienced with hydraulic splitting using Darda rock splitters, expanding grouts and pyrotechnic systems such as RocKracker, Nonex and the Boulder Buster system.


Explosive Compaction of Soils

We have extensive experience with the densification of soils for the construction of dams, bridges, highways, industrial building sites, and oil drilling platforms.  Our crews can often increase relative density by 70-80%.  During the last 60 years we have also developed an innovative technique for liquefaction evaluation of foundation soils.